Thursday, 10 February 2011

Votes for prisoners

I don't get it. The court judgement is that there should be no blanket ban, not that all prisoners should have the vote. So instead of everyone getting all het up, surely the right response is to sort out a system in which, say, people imprisoned for non-violent crimes get to vote, and those that were, don't. Or whatever. Seems pretty sensible when you look at some of the pathetic things for which people can be sent to prison (why should someone imprisoned for shoplifting be denied the vote, while those found guilty of more serious crimes that don't result in a prison sentence retain it).

Anyone would think this issue was being used as a political football by people with other interests. And that's before we start to think about the example being set by a political class which seeks to pick and choose which court judgements it wants to follow.....

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