Tuesday, 25 May 2010

I missed this at the weekend

'Police leaders attack government' over plans for elected commissioners. You have to say they have a point. I've not seen any evidence or even research on this, or even much in the way of theoretical justification save some hand-waving about 'local priorities' and, according to Nick Robinson on Radio 4, 'using the power of consumerism to shake up the police bureaucracy', whatever that means.

Quite why Police Authorities (made up in part of local councillors) can't do these things, or be reformed in some way to do them if that's what we really want (and I doubt it), is not entirely clear. It seems to be almost entirely designed to be an eye-catching initiative which hasn't been thought through at all. The level of criticism directed at the government from police bodies is pretty unusual, especially so early into a new government, and will hopefully give the Home Office pause for thought.

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