Saturday, 15 May 2010

Neo-Nazi terrorists

It's a point many others have made many times, but I think it bears repeating (yet) again - why does the constant drip, drip of Neo-Nazi terrorists caught, charged and convicted not excite more comment from the press? If these two were Islamists, particularly given the father/son relationship, we would presumably now be being treated to another wave of hand-wringing (can you have a wave of hand-wringing?) about the failure of multi-culturalism, the lack of assimilation, segregation in our cities etc. Yet this story, where it is covered, is treated like the aberration it probably is.

Obviously that was a rhetorical question - we know why stories like this aren't covered more. The people involved aren't brown, Muslim, and haven't moved to the UK from places about which we know little and care less.

But what I find particularly repellent is the way in which ordinary Muslims are constantly asked to 'condemn' Islamist terrorists, as if they are somehow complicit if they don't. I wonder how many of us White Anglo-Saxons will be asked to condemn this pair and their ilk? In the absence of Nick Griffin appearing on the TV (and perhaps even not then), precisely none, I'm guessing.

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